I just wanted to share with you some of my favorite websites that I use that deal with hair related stuff and resources that I’ve used to build this blog and what I will be using in the building of future blogs. They are very important and very trustworthy sites. Enjoy.
*Note: Just a heads up…some of these links are affiliate links which means if you purchase something through some of these links, I will earn a commission. However, I will not recommend a website I do not trust just to make a sale..
Favorite Sites to Buy Beauty Products
Amazon-This is probably my favorite place to get beauty products. It is a trusted website and well established and they have nearly everything you could want and usually the best prices.
ULTA Beauty-Ulta always has great promotions and sales, gives away free samples with a lot of your purchases, and is a trusted beauty website.
Folica–This site is all about hair. It’s got flat iron, blow dryers, hair products, hair removal products, or anything else hair related you can think. Just an all around great hair/beauty website.
Ebay–Ebay is a great place to buy hair care samples when you don’t want to buy an entire bottle of a hair product that you’ve never used before.
Favorite Hair Care Forums
Black Hair Media Forum–This is by far my favorite hair care stomping ground. This ladies give great advice and they really know their stuff. I love to go here for advice and get their opinion on different hair products.
Long Hair Care Forum– This forum is a close second. This is another great group of ladies who are very helpful and knowledgeable.
Want to do what I’m doing? Here are the resources I use to run this blog
This is the site I use to host my website. I’ve used them for years now and never had any problems with them and am very satisfied with the customer service.
One time I got the bright idea to install WordPress Multisite on my server (if that’s even the correct terminology for it). Well I completely messed it up. Like so bad that my entire site was broken and I had no idea how to get it back nor had I done a back up (brilliant I know). I was freaking out so bad because I didn’t know what to do. I contacted Hostgator and that very same day (or maybe it was the next day…it wasn’t very long), my site was working again because Hostgator restored my site with a backup that they kept on their servers. I can’t even tell you how relieved and happy I was about that so I definitely recommend them to anyone. So just click the link below and you could get 20% of your order.
WordPress– It took a bit of convincing but I now officially love WordPress. I used to use Blogger but I’d heard so much about WordPress that I decided to give it a try. It has a bit of a learning curve and is not as user friendly as Blogger but when you learn all the things you can do with WordPress, it is well worth it.
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