Natural Hair Tips For Beautiful Hair

  • My New Free Flat Ironing Ebook and How Evia Inspired Me

    Hey ya’ll, I have to take a moment to be a bit of a fan girlie right now because I honestly don’t believe that a) I would have a blog or b) I would have written my book if Evia had not inspired me to do both. I’ve been reading her blog for a long…

  • Learning to Love Your Hair: The Snowball Effect

    Hey Ya’ll, Look, I feel your pain. I’ve been there. I still AM there at times. It’s like ARGGGHH! When is my hair finally going to do what I want it to do? They say hair is dead but I don’t believe it because mine has a mind of it’s on. And it used to…

  • Sultra Bombshell Curling Iron: An “Oh Really” Review

    Let me be straight with you…I’ve never used the Sultra The Bombshell. I’ve never heard of the Bombshell until recently. I hadn’t even heard of the company named Sultra until a few weeks ago. I’m not even sure if it’s the Bombshell Sultra, Sultra Bombshell, or the Sultra by Bombshell. And yet somehow none of…

  • Hair Breakage Becomes World Wide Epidemic

    The incidents of hair breakage, or what is also called HB, has increased worldwide. It is estimated that 1 in 5 people suffer from hair breakage which is up from last year’s reports of 1 in 8. Though the increased usage of flat irons, curling irons, relaxers, and blow dryers have been the most egregious…